Dennis the Nomad

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Pledge to a Poet

I woke up early this morning,
Feeling not one bit tired.
So I sat in my nook, and re-read this book,
And found myself inspired.

"40 Years a Nomad"
Is filled from edge to edge
With wisdom and knowledge you can't get in college,
And that has led me to this pledge:

I pledge never to be a niggler,
Nor speak ill of any race,
I'll not be a hater, or with loud generator,
Start stinking up the place.

I'll limit my drinking in public,
So as not to be a pest.
I'll keep my hop brine and my fruit of the vine
Stored safely in my nest.

I'll watch the Window of Welcome,
And when it starts to close,
I'll curtail my glory and wrap up my story,
'Ere it slams down on my nose.

I'll limit my possessions
To the things I really need.
I'll spend my money on places sunny,
Not on Amazon-fueled greed.

But the hardest pledge I'll be making,
Amid all of this proselitizing
Is to strive every day to live in a way
Worthy of eulogizing.

So that's my pledge to you, Randy.
I've taken enough of your time.
There's just one more lead that I got from this read:
Life sounds better in meter and rhyme!

[I wrote this for Randy Vining after reading his book 40 Years a Nomad: Poems from the road (Kindle edition).]